
Saturday, 21 May 2016

NBS: Unemployment increases in the first quarter of 2016

 Nigerian Bureau of Statistics (NBS) says another 1.5 million Nigerians became unemployed in the first quarter of 2016.

NBS said the country’s unemployment rate grew from 10.4 percent to 12.1 percent in the last quarter of 2015.

Also, Nigeria saw about the same number of people become unemployed in the third and fourth quarter.

The report reads:

“In Q1 2016, the labour force population (i.e. those within the working age population willing, able and actively looking for work) increased to 78.4 million from 76.9million in q4 2015,” NBS said.

“This means an additional 1,528,647 economically active persons within 15-64 entered the labour force i.e. were able and willing and actively looking for work between January 1 and March 31 2016.

“Within the same period, the total number in full time employment (did any form of work for at least 40 hours) decreased by 528,148 persons or 0.97%.

“This consists of people who lost their jobs and were either forced or for various reasons chose to move from full time employment to underemployment.

“Within the same period, the number of unemployed in the labour force, increased by 1,449,18 persons (increase of 518,000 between Q3 and Q4 2015) between Q4 2015 and Q1 2016.”

 Unemployment among the youths also rose to 42.24 percent, as 15.2million youths remain unemployed in the economy.

“Accordingly, out of a total youth labour force of 38.2 million (representing 48.7% of total labour force in Nigeria of 78.48mn), a total of 15.2mn of them were either unemployed or underemployed in Q1 2016 representing a youth unemployment rate of 42.24%.

Reasons why some girls dont attend to boys on social media

1 : Fake Identity ;

You see a guy's request on social media especially that Facebook with a celebrity picture as dp or cover photo and then you go to check the real profile only to see him snapping in front of canal or taking shots on the highway with half bottle of star.

Really guys ? Really? To what end?

2 : Silly compliments ;

You see comments like "as I see you I see the moon and the stars" Bro it's daytime  now.
"You are my sun in the midst of the storm " like seriously ? At least get a literature book and recite your lines.

3 : Sending pictures without being asked ;

Guys seriously if you do this you need to top up your game like that's the height of low self esteem, especially when the pictures come with terrible backgrounds honestly don't expect a lady to answer you.

4 : Funny Names :

  You gets a notification and it's a message from "Dope Nigga sh*t " oh !! What a name.(rolls eyes***)
 Such a name is a big turn off and for me personally I don't fancy guys who don't spell out their names correctly. You spell shola as shawler or David as Daywhvid. It shows unseriousness in most cases.

5 : Proud Guys ;

You gets a message like " Hello pretty am chatting with you with my iPhone6" like seriously thats too  childish  or some immediately you reply Hi back they start telling you their history and life achievements so far and I will just be like "Guy what's the driving force behind this epistles" one annoying thing about this set of guys is that they turn insulting all of a sudden if you don't reply them. Well who really cares? Lol.

6 : Profs in English Language ;

Okay this ones are just damn funny.... you see mesages like "thanks for the  acceptance offered"  "your acceptance is my delight " or  those that will go ahead to send pictures of Mr Bean giving acceptance speech. Really